Family Nutrition Consultation


Eating real food which is healthy can be made simple for families is a passion of mine and I love working with children and teenagers.

I believe that eating tasty, fresh and largely unprocessed foods is critical to family mealtimes, and educating is the key. There is so much confusion in the world of Nutrition and families often fear healthy eating as a result. I help explain how to produce simple and quick balanced breakfasts, lunches and dinners that all the family will enjoy.

I offer a balanced positive approach to food and eating plans whether its for weight management, eating right for a particular sport or changing diet for vegetarian/vegan or health reasons.

Your Plan Includes

  • In-Person/Online Individual Nutrition Consultation
  • Full Support from a Qualified Nutritionist
  • 60 Minute Consultation
  • Detailed Nutrition Health & Lifestyle Analysis
  • Past & Present Medical Considerations
  • Personalised Diet Plan
  • Recipes
  • Personalised Nutrition Recommendations
  • Follow-up Email

How It Works

  1. Choose your Time & Date using the Calendar.
  2.  Confirm the booking & make the payment.
  3.  You will receive an E-mail with a Zoom link for the consultation.

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