Having worked in the food industry for over 15 years, I bring a wealth of knowledge and experience on a wide range topics from Nutrition, food, and health. I believe strongly in evidence-based science information and I always cover the recent trends in foods and fads which brings a lively debate to all my Corporate Wellness Seminars and Talks.
In recent years workplace wellbeing has become important as it directly influences the physical, mental, economic and social well-being of workers and in turn the health of their families. It offers an ideal setting and to promote health, wellness and the importance of good nutrition can have long-lasting health benefits.
I offer a range of nutrition consultancy services to the corporate market. These services are tailor made to suit individual client requirements. Imparting practical nutrition advice for those working from home, for the office environment, or for those with travel related businesses.
Corporate Wellness Plans can be adapted to suit the on-site workplace or delivered via Zoom:
- Educational Nutritional Seminars
- Recipe creation and cooking demonstrations
- Individual or group consultations
- Wellness Days or bespoke events and workshops
Our changing habits and our relationship with food during lockdown can either positively or negatively affect our health.
Individual or Group Consultations (1-2-1 Nutrition and health Support )
I can deliver Employee Wellbeing Programs in your company and will meet clients on an individual basis and provide personalised programmes tailored to each individual. I offer in-depth nutritional consultations with optional body composition assessment, food diary review and an opportunity for your team to discuss their own dietary issues, maximise sports performance or develop a wellness plan to address underlying health concerns.
Wellness Days or bespoke events and workshops
- Examples include Live Cooking for Optimising Health and Nutrition.
- On-site Client Breakfast, Lunch or dinner for product launch.
- Pop-up for Corporate Day with Mini-Consult or product promotion.
- Let us know what you have in mind and we will do our best to make it possible